Delegatus Non Potest Delegare
The Latin maxim delegatus non potest delegare translates to “a delegate cannot delegate.” This fundamental legal principle holds significant relevance in both civil and common law systems.
Discover the fundamentals of Administrative Law, its principles, functions, and significance in regulating public administration and government actions. Stay informed on key concepts, case studies, and legal frameworks.
The Latin maxim delegatus non potest delegare translates to “a delegate cannot delegate.” This fundamental legal principle holds significant relevance in both civil and common law systems.
Sub delegation in administrative law refers to the further delegation of powers from one authority to another.
The Red Light and Green Light theory of administrative law provide different perspectives on the degree of control or discretion that should be exercised over administrative action.
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This essay explores the nature of administrative law in contemporary legal systems with object, and purpose of administrative law.
Whistleblowing plays a critical role in promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity within government and public institutions.
This article explores the concept of doctrine of ultra vires in administrative law in India, including its meaning, legal basis, scope, implications, and relevant case laws.
The Doctrine of Separation of Powers in administrative law is a cornerstone of modern constitutional law, aiming to safeguard individual liberty and prevent the concentration of power in any single institution of government.
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This article seeks to explore the reasons for growth of administrative law in India, examining the historical, constitutional, political, and social contexts that have influenced its development.
Judicial review of Administrative Action is the process by which courts examine the legality, reasonableness, and constitutionality of administrative decisions made by public authorities or administrative bodies.
Public corporation in Administrative Law are instrumental in carrying out governmental functions and providing public services that are critical for national development.