In legal parlance, a Vakalatnama refers to a formal document that grants an advocate the authority to represent a client in legal proceedings, particularly in court.
In legal parlance, a Vakalatnama refers to a formal document that grants an advocate the authority to represent a client in legal proceedings, particularly in court.
“Expressio unius est exclusio alterius” is a Latin phrase that translates to “the expression of one thing is the exclusion of another.”
Cheque Dishonour under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 is addressed in Sections 138 to 142, which deal with the criminal liability arising from dishonoured cheques.
Cheque Dishonour under the Negotiable Instruments Act Read More »
This page has a sample of Draft of Legal Notice U/S 318 Bns Act, 2023.
The concept of Hiba under Muslim law is deeply rooted in Islamic legal tradition and is an important aspect of property law.
The Composition Scheme under GST is a simplified taxation scheme designed for small businesses, which allows them to pay taxes at a reduced rate on their turnover.
The Composition Scheme under GST is a simplified taxation scheme designed for small businesses, which allows them to pay taxes at a reduced rate on their turnover.
This page has a sample Application for Waiver of Cost Imposed by Court Format.
The Latin maxim delegatus non potest delegare translates to “a delegate cannot delegate.” This fundamental legal principle holds significant relevance in both civil and common law systems.
This article explores the differences between libel and slander, emphasizing the legal principles governing each, while also providing illustrations to aid understanding.